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2021-01-27 16:22:25 |文章來源:中國(guó)科學(xué)院天津工業(yè)生物技術(shù)研究|事業(yè)單位考試網(wǎng)





國(guó)家合成生物技術(shù)創(chuàng)新中心(National Innovation Center for Synthetic Biotechnology)是科技部批復(fù)建設(shè)的第三家國(guó)家技術(shù)創(chuàng)新中心,由中國(guó)科學(xué)院與天津市人民政府共建,中國(guó)科學(xué)院天津工業(yè)生物技術(shù)研究所(TIBCAS)牽頭建設(shè),以建成綜合性、開放性、先進(jìn)性的國(guó)家科技平臺(tái),形成合成生物技術(shù)創(chuàng)新的大聯(lián)合、大協(xié)同、大網(wǎng)絡(luò),打造我國(guó)合成生物領(lǐng)域戰(zhàn)略科技力量,為國(guó)家產(chǎn)業(yè)技術(shù)變革與國(guó)際競(jìng)爭(zhēng)提供戰(zhàn)略支撐為建設(shè)目標(biāo)。

一、招聘部門簡(jiǎn)介(Introduction of TIB-VIB Joint Center of Synthetic Biology)

2020年12月9日,中國(guó)科學(xué)院天津工業(yè)生物技術(shù)研究所和比利時(shí)弗蘭德生物技術(shù)研究院(Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie - Flanders Institute of Biotechnology, VIB)成立國(guó)家合成生物技術(shù)創(chuàng)新中心TIB-VIB合成生物學(xué)聯(lián)合中心(以下簡(jiǎn)稱“聯(lián)合中心”)。VIB是國(guó)際知名的生命科學(xué)研究機(jī)構(gòu),在合成生物學(xué)領(lǐng)域擁有世界一流的科技研發(fā)和成果轉(zhuǎn)化平臺(tái)。聯(lián)合中心旨在推動(dòng)合成生物中心科技創(chuàng)新和成果轉(zhuǎn)化,推動(dòng)中國(guó)和比利時(shí)在合成生物學(xué)領(lǐng)域的國(guó)際合作,為中比雙方生物經(jīng)濟(jì)高質(zhì)量發(fā)展貢獻(xiàn)力量。


The TIB-VIB Joint Center of Synthetic Biology (abbreviated as TV-SynBio), as one of the International Joint Centers of the National Technology Innovation Center of Synthetic Biology, is targeted to provide an exchange and collaboration platform to promote joint R&D, staff exchange, information & resources sharing, technology transfer and industrialization between the Parties. It is proposed to recruit 10-20 postdoctoral researchers focusing on yeast synthetic biology and biotechnology, gene editing and genomic reprogramming, computational biology and bio-design, chassis cell construction and biosynthesis of protein, biosynthesis of natural products in microbes and plants.

二、導(dǎo)師介紹 (Introduction of Professors)

中方導(dǎo)師(Professor from TIB):

1.王欽宏,主要從事合成細(xì)胞工廠的進(jìn)化與代謝工程研究,有效推進(jìn)了己二酸、丙酮酸、3-脫氫莽草酸及其衍生的芳香族化合物等生物基化學(xué)品的合成生物制造,研制和開發(fā)了液滴微流控微生物高通量傳感檢測(cè)與篩選系統(tǒng)已經(jīng)在Metab Eng,Biotechnol Biofuels,ACS Synth Biol等領(lǐng)域主流SCI期刊發(fā)表科研論文60多篇,申請(qǐng)國(guó)家發(fā)明專利25項(xiàng)。

Prof.Qinhong Wang’s research interests focus on engineering microbial cell factories to improve the production of bio-based productsl for industrialization via genome-wide editing and evolution strategies as well as droplet microfluidic-based high throughput screening strategies in the combination of designing and constructing the target metabolic pathway. Until now he has applied more than 20 patents and published more than 60 papers in Metab Eng, Biotechnol Biofuels, ACS Synth Biol and so on.

Email: wang_qh@tib.cas.cn

2.孫媛霞,從事功能糖與天然活性物質(zhì)的生物制造,采用合成生物學(xué)和酶工程技術(shù)和原理,挖掘改造生物元件,設(shè)計(jì)重構(gòu)微生物合成代謝途徑,創(chuàng)建健康糖、海洋寡糖、天然氮雜糖、百草類天然產(chǎn)物等合成微生物細(xì)胞工廠,優(yōu)化與放大發(fā)酵工藝,在ACS Catalysis,Biotechnology advances,Metabolic Engineering等學(xué)術(shù)刊物上發(fā)表SCI論文70余篇,申請(qǐng)專利40余項(xiàng)。

Prof. Yuanxia Sun’ research group works in Biomanufacturing of functional sugars and natural active substances, with a particular focus on using synthetic biology and enzyme engineering technology to mine and transform enzyme components, design and restructure metabolic pathways, create synthetic microbial cell factories such as healthy sugars, marine oligosaccharides, natural azasaccharides, and natural products of herbs, finally optimize and amplify fermentation processes. She has applied 40 patents and published more than 70 journal papers in ACS Catalysis, Biotechnology advances, Metabolic Engineering and so on.


3.田朝光,主要研究方向是真菌合成生物學(xué),具體以絲狀真菌為對(duì)象,利用合成生物學(xué)方法,結(jié)合代謝工程技術(shù),構(gòu)建可用于工業(yè)蛋白質(zhì)和生物基化學(xué)品發(fā)酵生產(chǎn)的細(xì)胞工廠。在Science、PNAS、Metabolic Engineering、PLoS Genetics、Biotechnology for Biofuels等已發(fā)表論文40余篇,申請(qǐng)專利20余項(xiàng),包括PCT專利3項(xiàng)。

Prof. Chaoguang Tian’s research topic is Fungal Synthetic Biology. Using filamentous fungi as system, combining metabolic engineering and synthetic biology, his lab is developing the new generation fungal cell factory for production of industrial proteins and bulk chemicals from renewable feedstock. Until now he has applied more than 20 patents and published more than 40 papers inScience, PNAS, Metabolic Engineering, PLoS Genetics, Biotechnology for Biofuelsand so on.


4.張學(xué)禮,從事微生物代謝工程和基因編輯研究,構(gòu)建微生物細(xì)胞工廠生產(chǎn)大宗化學(xué)品和植物天然產(chǎn)物,開發(fā)堿基編輯器技術(shù)用于基因治療。在Nature Biotechnology, Metabolic Engineering,ACS Synthetic Biology等學(xué)術(shù)刊物發(fā)表SCI論文80余篇。獲授權(quán)中國(guó)專利20項(xiàng)和國(guó)際專利24項(xiàng)。4個(gè)大宗化學(xué)品細(xì)胞工廠技術(shù)(L-丙氨酸、丁二酸、D-乳酸和纈氨酸)實(shí)現(xiàn)產(chǎn)業(yè)化,共新增產(chǎn)值30億元。6個(gè)萜類化合物細(xì)胞工廠正在與企業(yè)進(jìn)行技術(shù)合作。

Prof. Xueli Zhang’s research interests are microbial metabolic engineering and gene editing, including construction of microbial cell factories for production of bulk chemicals and value-added natural products and development of base editor technologies for gene therapy. He has published 80 SCI papers, includingNature Biotechnology, Metabolic EngineeringandACS Synthetic Biology. He has 20 issued Chinese patents and 24 international patents. Four microbial cell factories for production of L-alanine, succinate, D-lactate and L-valine have been commercialized, which contributed to 3 billion Yuan new output value. Six microbial cell factories for production of different terpenoids are cooperating with several companies.


5.江會(huì)鋒,從事代謝合成生物學(xué)研究,利用合成生物學(xué)技術(shù)與原理,解析自然界植物復(fù)雜生物代謝途徑,研究生物合成的基本規(guī)律與生物催化原理,設(shè)計(jì)生物代謝新酶新途徑,創(chuàng)建植物天然產(chǎn)物合成微生物細(xì)胞工廠,在Nature Communications,ACS Synthetic Biology等學(xué)術(shù)刊物上發(fā)表SCI論文40余篇,申請(qǐng)專利30余項(xiàng)。

Prof. Huifeng Jiang’research topic is Synthetic Biology of Metabolism. By combining omics technologies and synthetic biology, he developed new platforms to dig new genes from Chinese medicinal plants for producing plant natural compounds. Currently, he has constructed more than twenty cell factories for the production of scutellarin, phloretin, diosgenin and so on. Until now he has applied 30 patents and published more than 40 papers includingNature Communications, ACS Synthetic Biology, Molecular Biology and Evolution.


6.劉濤,主要從事天然產(chǎn)物生物合成研究,包括解析微生物和植物源天然產(chǎn)物復(fù)雜生物合成途徑,利用合成生物學(xué)手段合成新天然產(chǎn)物衍生物,微生物合成植物源天然產(chǎn)物等,在ACS Syn. Biol.,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Metab. Eng.,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.等學(xué)術(shù)刊物上發(fā)表論文30余篇,申請(qǐng)專利20余項(xiàng)。

Prof. Tao Liu's research is focused on natural product biosynthesis. It includes the elucidation of complex multi-step biosynthetic pathways, carried out by bacteria or plants, generation of modified natural product drugs through genetic engineering, microbial synthesis of plant derived natural products through metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. Dr. Liu's has published more than 30 papers, which can be found in ACS Syn. Biol., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Metab. Eng., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., etc.


7.張大偉,從事工業(yè)微生物菌種構(gòu)建,復(fù)雜代謝途徑重構(gòu)與調(diào)控解析。利用分子遺傳工具、代謝工程與合成生物技術(shù)、系統(tǒng)多種組學(xué)技術(shù),高通量篩選技術(shù)等,實(shí)現(xiàn)微生物細(xì)胞工廠構(gòu)建與篩選,合成維生素、氨基酸及其衍生物;構(gòu)建蛋白表達(dá)系統(tǒng),實(shí)現(xiàn)酶蛋白的高效合成;實(shí)現(xiàn)微生物細(xì)胞工廠的生產(chǎn)化學(xué)品與蛋白質(zhì)工業(yè)應(yīng)用。在Nature Communications,Biosensor and Bioelectronics,mBio等學(xué)術(shù)刊物上發(fā)表SCI論文50余篇,申請(qǐng)專利30余項(xiàng)。

Prof. Dawei Zhang’s research topic is to construct the industrial stains, and study the mechanism of complex metabolism pathway regulation and rewriting. His group integrates genetic manipulation tools, metabolic engineering and synthetic biology techniques, system and omics tools, high throughput screening methods to construct and screen the over-producing stains and to produce vitamins, amino acids and their derivatives. They are also interested in constructing protein production platforms to produce valuable enzymes and proteins. he has published more than 50 papers inNature Communications, ACS Synthetic Biologyand applied 30 patents.


8.畢昌昊,主要研究方向?yàn)楹铣缮飳W(xué)技術(shù)方法的創(chuàng)建與運(yùn)用,基因組編輯技術(shù)研發(fā),以及人工細(xì)胞和細(xì)胞機(jī)器設(shè)計(jì)構(gòu)建。合成生物學(xué)和基因組編輯技術(shù)方法造成較大影響,已有上百個(gè)國(guó)內(nèi)外實(shí)驗(yàn)室已索取材料并使用。在主流學(xué)術(shù)期刊Nature Biotechnology,Metabolic Engineering,ACS Synthetic Biology等雜志發(fā)表SCI論文40余篇,申請(qǐng)國(guó)內(nèi)和國(guó)際專利五項(xiàng)。

Prof.Changhao Bi focus on DNA and genome manipulation techniques for controlling DNA with faster, deeper and bigger fashions.The group has published 40 SCI research articles in Journals likeNat Biotechnol,ACS Synth, Metab Eng, etc. the group has developed a series of genome and base editing techniques in mammalian cells and microbes likeE. coli, Ralstonia eutrophaandBacillus subtilis.More than a hundred labs are using these systems based on the request we have received and record on the Molecular Cloud website.

Email: bi_ch@tib.cas.cn

9.王猛,研究主要方向是實(shí)驗(yàn)室自動(dòng)化在合成生物學(xué)領(lǐng)域的應(yīng)用,以期用自動(dòng)化技術(shù)替代人力完成大量實(shí)驗(yàn)。同時(shí)關(guān)注高通量篩選方法技術(shù)的開發(fā)應(yīng)用及復(fù)雜天然產(chǎn)物生物合成途徑的發(fā)現(xiàn)與異源合成。已經(jīng)在Nat Commun,Trends Biotechnol,Metab Eng等國(guó)際一流雜志發(fā)表文章28篇,申請(qǐng)專利4項(xiàng)。

Prof.Meng Wang’s research interests focused on lab automation for synthetic biology in order to use robotics replace human labor for massive experiments. He also interested in developing high-throughput screening technologies and complex natural product biosynthetic pathway discovery and heterologous production. He has published 28 papers in journals such as Nat Commun, Trends Biotechnol, Metab Eng. He has applied for 4 patterns.


10.李志超,利用實(shí)驗(yàn)進(jìn)化手段,解析水平基因轉(zhuǎn)移(天然轉(zhuǎn)基因)進(jìn)化事件的分子機(jī)制,借此開發(fā)新型的基因遞送技術(shù)、基因組融合及細(xì)胞融合技術(shù);同時(shí)致力于開發(fā)植物使能技術(shù)、構(gòu)建植物細(xì)胞工廠,對(duì)微生物合成困難的重要天然植物藥物進(jìn)行植物同源合成。近期研究工作發(fā)表于Nature Communications(2018)和Nucleic Acids Research(2019)。

Prof. Zhichao Li’s research topic is to study the mechanism of horizontal gene transfer (natural transgene) by experimental evolution strategy. The aim is to develop the new technology of transgene delivery, genome fusion and cell fusion. We also work on developing the plant enabling technologies and constructing the plant cell factories to produce the plant natural products, which are hard to be synthesized in microbe. Our latest research work is published onNature Communications(2018) andNucleic Acids Research(2019).


11.趙磊,從事植物細(xì)胞工程與代謝研究,致力于重要功能元件的發(fā)掘、設(shè)計(jì)與模塊組裝,并綜合運(yùn)用遺傳學(xué)、細(xì)胞生物學(xué)、合成生物學(xué)等原理和方法,進(jìn)行植物底盤(番茄、微藻等)細(xì)胞的設(shè)計(jì)改造及應(yīng)用,以實(shí)現(xiàn)高附加值化學(xué)品、重組蛋白、天然產(chǎn)物等的綠色生物制造。至今,已在J Cell Biology、Philosophical Transaction B、Plant Physiology、J Integr Plant Biol等雜志上發(fā)表文章10余篇,申請(qǐng)國(guó)家發(fā)明專利12項(xiàng)(10項(xiàng)獲授權(quán))。

Prof. Lei Zhao’s research topic is Plant Cell Engineering and Metabolism. By combining genetics, cell biology and synthetic biology, he is committed to the design and application of plant chassis including tomato and microalgae, aiming to produce high value-added products. He has applied 12 patents and published more than 10 papers inJ Cell Biology, Philosophical Transaction Band so on.


12.戴住波,主要應(yīng)用代謝工程和合成生物學(xué)技術(shù),建立以高效微生物細(xì)胞工廠為基礎(chǔ)的天然藥物(中藥)、精油和營(yíng)養(yǎng)補(bǔ)充劑生產(chǎn)新模式。研究?jī)?nèi)容包括通量功能基因克隆與鑒定、新技術(shù)開發(fā)與應(yīng)用、產(chǎn)業(yè)級(jí)微生物細(xì)胞工廠構(gòu)建和化學(xué)半合成工藝開發(fā)等方面。目前以釀酒酵母為底盤微生物創(chuàng)建了超30個(gè)高值天然產(chǎn)物的人工細(xì)胞工廠,其中“人參酵母”和“精油酵母”等產(chǎn)品系已實(shí)現(xiàn)技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)讓。研究成果發(fā)表在Metabolic Engineering等學(xué)術(shù)期刊上,申請(qǐng)專利15項(xiàng)(含PCT 1項(xiàng)),參編專著5部,丹參酮項(xiàng)目獲中國(guó)藥學(xué)會(huì)科學(xué)技術(shù)一等獎(jiǎng)。

Prof.Zhubo Dai Professor in Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIB, CAS). His research interest is using synthetic biology and metabolic engineering to construct efficient yeast cell factories for production of high-value plant metabolites from renewable biomass. So far, he has published papers in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Metabolic Engineering and so on, and has applied 15 patents with 4 granted.


13.戴宗杰,從事Crabtree陰性酵母合成生物學(xué)與系統(tǒng)生物學(xué)研究。利用理性設(shè)計(jì)構(gòu)建與基因組編輯進(jìn)化,結(jié)合系統(tǒng)生物學(xué)解析,通過設(shè)計(jì)-構(gòu)建-測(cè)試-學(xué)習(xí)(DBTL)的方式循環(huán)迭代提升酵母底盤的代謝效能。目前研究團(tuán)隊(duì)主要研究?jī)?nèi)容包括:高版本酵母底盤細(xì)胞的構(gòu)建解析,糖醇、萜類及其衍生物的合成,基因組編輯進(jìn)化策略的開發(fā)。主持國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面上項(xiàng)目,中國(guó)科學(xué)院人才支持項(xiàng)目、天津市創(chuàng)新能力提升行動(dòng)項(xiàng)目。文章發(fā)表于Nat Commun,Curr Opin Biotechnol等,獲國(guó)內(nèi)外授權(quán)專利3項(xiàng)。

Associate Prof. Zongjie Dai focus on the study of Crabtree negative yeast through synthetic and systems biology. Adapting the rational design-build, genomic edition-evolution and systems biology-based elucidation to improve the metabolic efficiency of yeast chassis within the loop of DBTL. With the funding from NSFC, CAS and Tianjin government, currently, the group has three objectives: 1. The construction and elucidation of highly efficient yeast chassis, 2. Biosynthesis and manufacture of sugar alcohol, terpenoids and related derivatives, 3. Development of strategies for genomic edition and evolution. At present, our works were published inNat Commun,Curr Opin Biotechnol,etc., with 3 authorized patents.

Email: daizj@tib.cas.cn

14.郭曉賢,研究致力于通過對(duì)酶的設(shè)計(jì)改造開發(fā)新的DNA生物合成與糾錯(cuò)技術(shù);同時(shí)開發(fā)線粒體基組遺傳工程技術(shù),改造線粒體調(diào)控細(xì)胞內(nèi)的代謝流與代謝途徑。在Molecular Biology and Evolution,NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, ACS Synthetic Biology等學(xué)術(shù)刊物上發(fā)表SCI論文10余篇。

Associate Prof. Xiaoxian Guo research interests in the laboratory focus on development of novel technique for enzymatic DNA synthesis and error correction. His lab also interested in engineering mitochondrial genome to manipulate the spatial distribution of metabolic flows. He has published over 10 papers in over 10 scientific articles in international journals, includingMolecular Biology and Evolution, NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics and ACS Synthetic Biology.


比方導(dǎo)師(Professor from VIB):

15. Kevin Verstrepenis professor in Genetics and Genomics at Leuven University, director of the VIB Center for Microbiology, director of the Leuven Institute for Beer Research and Honorary Professor at Nottingham University.Verstrepen obtained his PhD in biological engineering from KU Leuven and a postdoc from MIT.In 2005, Verstrepen was appointed as lecturer at Harvard University, where he led a team of researchers specialized in yeast genetics.In 2007, he was appointed as professor in Genetics at Leuven University and as team leader at VIB, and in 2016, he was appointed as director of the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology. Verstrepen authored more than 150 publications in various scientific journals and books, including Cell, Science and Nature journals, and received several distinctions, including the Harvard D. Bok Award for teaching, the EMBO Young Investigator award and the Léo Errera prize of the Belgian Academy for Arts and Sciences.

The main research of the Verstrepen lab is focused on yeast genetics, genomics and synthetic biology.Apart from the published research, several of the yeasts that were developed in the lab are now used commercially by various companies, including large breweries, bakeries and biofuel plants.

Email: Kevin.Verstrepen@kuleuven.be

16. Alain Goossensis Professor in Plant Biotechnology at Ghent University and is group leader of the Specialized metabolism group at the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology. Goossens received his PhD in Marc Van Montagu’s lab at Ghent University (Belgium) and performed postdoctoral studies at the IBMCP-UPV in Valencia (Spain) in the lab of Ramón Serrano. He started his research group within the VIB in 2003, focusing on jasmonate signaling, gene discovery in plant specialized metabolism and metabolic engineering. He has been appointed as a part-time Full Professor at Ghent University in 2015 and is teaching ‘Metabolic Engineering’. He has authored over 120 peer reviewed publications, including in Nature, Science, etc. In 2020 he was elected as an EMBO fellow and since 2015 he has been included in the prestigious Thomson Reuters list of Highly Cited Researchers.

E-mail: alain.goossens@ugent.vib.be

17. Sibylle Voneschreceived her Ph.D. from ETH Zurich (Switzerland) and is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Systems Genetics and Precision Health Group of Lars Steinmetz at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg (Germany). Her research focuses on developing cutting edge CRISPR technologies for high-throughput precision genome perturbation, and scalable functional genomics and genome-wide technologies that measure molecular and cellular consequences of genetic perturbations. The group applies these tools to unravel functional roles of genetic variants in the context of complex traits and synthetic biology using the yeastS. cerevisiaeas a model system.She hasauthored 10 publications in various scientific journals, including PLoS Genetics, Nature Communications and Nature Biotechnology. She will start her research group (Genome Editing and Systems Genetics) at the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology in 2021.


18. Joleen Masscheleinis an assistant professor at the Department of Biology at KU Leuven and a group leader at the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology. Her research is focused on discovering novel bioactive natural products from human and plant host-associated bacteria, elucidating unusual pathways for natural product biosynthesis, unravelling the ecological role, biological target and mode of action of natural products, and engineering microbes for the production of novel, industrially relevant natural product derivatives and other therapeutic applications. She has authored more than 20 publications and two patent applications on the chemistry and biology of bioactive natural products in Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Chemistry and other journals.


19. Jan Michielsis full Professor at the KU Leuven Faculty of Bioscience Engineering and group leader at the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology. He obtained a PhD in applied biological sciences from KU Leuven in 1993 and was appointed as professor in 2001. In 2015, he was appointed as Director of the KU Leuven Centre of Microbial and Plant Genetics, and in 2017, he joined the VIB and he was awarded the Francqui Research Professorship. Michiels has authored over 150 articles in international journals with peer review including Molecular Cell, Nature Microbiology, Nature Communications, Nucleic Acids Research, Molecular Biology and Evolution, eLife, the ISME Journal, Nature Reviews Microbiolgy, FEMS Microbiology Reviews, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews and Trends in Microbiology.

Jan Michiels teaches courses on biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and bacterial physiology. His research focuses on bacterial genetics, evolution, ecology, interactions and pathogenesis. Fundamental research topics revolve around tolerance to stress and more specifically tolerance to antibiotics. From an applied point of view, the Michiels lab employs synthetic biology and metabolic engineering to create superior bacterial strains for the production of valuable biochemicals and novel antibiotics.


三、招聘崗位(Recruitment posts)


四、應(yīng)聘條件(Candidate Qualifications)




五、崗位待遇(Post treatment)









六、應(yīng)聘方式 (Application)








